How to Add Countdown Timer

These are the steps to take when you want to add a countdown timer to your biolink page.
Written by Pushbio
Updated 4 months ago

Countdown timers are great for keeping the audience's attention focused on an upcoming event, such as launching a new product, breaking news, promotion, or premier of unique content.

Here is how to get your timer up and to run in no time:

  • Click on the Total Biolinks tab on your user dashboard;
  • Click on the name of the page you wish to add your timer;
  • On the next page, click on the Add Block button;
  • Click on the Countdown block;
  • Set an End Date for your timer;
  • Define the type of theme you wish to use, either light or dark;
  • Click on the Submit button.

Display Settings

You can further enhance your timer block by adding some display options

On the block, click on the 3 vertical dots icon

Click Display Settings tab

You can perform the following actions

Schedule: Configure the dates on which it will work.

Countries: Select which countries do you want to show this block to. Leave empty for all.

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