How to Reset Forgotten Password

Lost your password? Do not fear! Here is how to reset your password in simple steps.
Written by Pushbio
Updated 4 months ago

Resetting Lost Password

We understand that keeping tabs on all your passwords in a digital world can be unrealistic. To help you out, we have provided you with the ability to reset your password should you lose the current one.

To reset your password:

  • Click on "lost password" link on the login page or directly visit;
  • Enter your registered email address;
  • Solve the "Captcha" to prove you are human;
  • Next, click on the "send me a recovery link."

After this, we will automatically send you a "Reset Password Link" to the provided email address.

  • Click on the link within the mail;
  • You will be redirected to a password reset page where you have to input a new password;
  • Reenter the password for confirmation;
  • Then click on the "Set Password" button.

There you have it, resetting your password in simple steps to ensure you never lose touch with your account.

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