How to Create Biolink Page

Your Biolink Page hosts all of your content. This makes it an important aspect of your Pushbio account. Learn how to create one seamlessly.
Written by Pushbio
Updated 4 months ago

A Biolink page lets you have an up-to-date collection of all contents, media, and websites, as well as product pages that are important to you, in one location. It is essentially a clickable URL link that is attachable and shareable on virtually or social media platforms.

And on Pushbio, we take it a step further by allowing you to customize the feel and appeal of your Biolink page. To create a Biolink, follow these quick steps:

  • Click on the "Create Link" tab in the dashboard's mid-right corner. Then select "Biolink page" from the drop down menu options;
  • From here, you need to select the domain name you prefer and supply a custom alias or accept a randomly generated one from us;
  • Then, click on the Create biolink page button.

This creates your Biolink page with your preferred alias included in the URL, which you can copy and share with friends or add to your social media accounts.

Here is a gif of me creating a biolink page

But just before you do that, how about learning how to edit and make your Biolink page as cool as you want?

Editing and Setting Your Biolink Page

If creating your Biolink is as simple as the steps described above, then editing it is even simpler. Pushbio provides a catalog of tools to aid your editing to achieve a professional-looking design to represent you and your brand.

Use the following tabs to create a design unique to you, your person, and the work you do:

Customization Tab

This allows you to edit the general theme of your Biolink page. We provide you with an array of top-notch themes or use any of our preset simple and abstract gradients background color.

You can also set your own custom background such as color and gradient or custom image or video to reflect your taste or feel.

The customization tab also allows you to upload a favicon by clicking on the favicon section and selecting from your media collection. We support many file formats, including PNG, GIF, and ICO.


To display a verified badge on your bio page, you have to submit a verification request to us. It's important to mention that this feature is only available to paid users. Kindly send us a message via live chat for verification to enable the verified badge on your profile.


With this tab, you can personalize your names as well as URL. This gives you more ownership status and makes it easier or your audience to relate to your business.

Note: Branding option is only available on the paid plans


With pixel, you can track your biolink page engagement with external tracking tool such as Google Analytics. You can also use for re-marketing purpose on Facebook, Twitter and other channels.

The list of your created Pixel will display here (Learn how to create a pixel) and select the ones you would like to include on your biolink page

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Let's face it, the idea of a centralized portfolio is to help sell your brand and what you do. And to help you achieve even better results, Pushbio provides you the ability to improve your page visibility on search engines.

On this tab, you have access to edit your page title, Meta descriptions as well as set open graph images. Images in .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG and .GIF are acceptable.

That's not all; you can decide to block search engines from indexing your Biolink page. All you have to do is switch the block toggle to indicate this.

UTM Parameters

UTM parameter is useful to traffic from a specific source. For example, you want to track traffic that comes from your Instagram to your biolink page.

  • Enter the Medium e.g social
  • Enter the Source e.g
  • and Update the settings

Note: Only use this if you know exactly what you are doing


The legibility of the write-ups on your Biolink page is equally essential; we have not forgotten about this. We give you the chance to select from a pool of 10 available fonts to describe your text.

That's not all; you can set the size of your fonts to a size that appeals to you.


While we provide you with an impeccable platform to connect with potential clients, we also understand the need to provide the audience with user content protection.

This tab lets you notify your audience of likely sensitive content on your Biolink page or password protect your page (if you want users to enter a password before accessing you page).


You can do the following in this section

  • Assign your biolink page to a specific project (useful if you are an agency manage a page for many clients)
  • Set Leap Link URL (paid users only) - This is useful if you want to redirect users that visit your biolink page to a specific URL. Enter the URL in the field provided.
  • Add custom CSS and JS codes to your Biolink page (available on agency plan). This gives you even greater flexibility in customizing your page's look, feel, and interaction.

Generating QR Code for Your Biolink Page

To create a QR code for your biolink page, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Biolink customization page
  • Click the three vertical dots at the right corner right above the preview screen
  • Select QR Code from the options
  • This will take you to the QR Code page and automatically creates the right settings for your biolink page
  • You can choose to customize your QR code further using the color, branding and options tab. You can read our full guide on how to create and customize QR Code
  • When done, click on Print or Download the QR Code

There you have it! You can do much to style your Biolink page to reflect your goals, aims, and personality.

And when you are done with all your editing, remember to click on the "Update" button to save your changes.

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