How to Get API Key and Documentation

Learn how to utilize the API key feature effectively.
Written by Pushbio
Updated 4 months ago

Our API ensures you can share data between Pushbio and your other app in real time without worrying about delays. This is how you can get your API keys:

  • Click on your Account Name at the bottom left corner of the user dashboard;
  • Select the API option from the drop-down menu;
  • Your API key is a 32-digit alphanumeric code that you can copy and use;
  • You can also regenerate the API key by clicking on the "Regenerate API" button to get a new one.
  • If you need further details on how our API works, click on the "API Documentation" link above the API key box or directly visit
  • The documentation is a comprehensive guide on all available API endpoints on Pushbio. 

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