Managing Your File Link

We will show you how to manage your file links without hassle.
Written by Pushbio
Updated 6 months ago

You can also manage your file link to keep them updated. Here are the steps you can take to manage your file links:

  • Click on the Total File Links tab on your dashboard;
  • Scroll to the name of the file link you wish to manage;
  • You can view its Total Page View Stats by clicking on the graph icon in front of it;
  • You can change the status of the link by toggling on the switch. This takes your file off or online;
  • Click on the “⁝” icon to perform the following:
  • You can choose to make edits to your file link by selecting the Edit option from the menu displayed;
  • You can also view file link statistics;
  • Additionally, you can generate a QR code for your file link;
  • Click on Duplicate to create a new file link with the same settings
  • From the menu displayed, you can also choose to Delete your file link.
Note that this action is irreversible and once effected, all data relating to the file will be lost.
  • You can also chose to export your file as a CVS or JSON file by clicking on the Download icon.
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