Customizing Your Bio Link Page

Here are the various ways by which you can customize your Bio link page
Written by Pushbio
Updated 6 months ago

Your Biolink page is an essential part of your presence on Pushbio. And to help you get more from it, we allow you to play around with some customization features:

1. Short URL

This lets you input a custom name for your bio link URL. And if you are feeling blank, you can leave it empty and allow us generate a random name for you.

However, entering a unique name most preferably your business or brand name is beneficial. This makes for easy identification as well as visitors been able to easily remember your URL.

Tip: Ensure the name you enter is as short as possible and easy to capture.

2. Biolink Avatar

Customization is all about personalization and you can take this a step further by adding an Avatar to your biolink page. A biolink avatar is an image that represents your brand such as a logo.

Read more on How to Add Avatar on Biolink Page.

3. Description

Your biolink page will certainly have several contents on it. However, providing a concise description is one important content to include. Learn how to do this by reading on How to Add Description on Biolink Page.

Its best to input a brief description about your brand. While trying to keep it simple, ensure to make it detailed enough.

4. Background Type

You also have the ability to play around with customization of your background type. Make your pick from the options available to you. You can either use any of our default preset background type, custom gradient, or a custom color.

If you wish to take things up a notch and further claim ownership of your page, you can opt for the custom image option. (Read our guide on how to change biolink background type).

5. Favicon

Having a favicon also serves as a source or form of branding for your page.

Upload a favicon by clicking on "choose file" under the favicon tab.

After you are done with your customization, be sure to click on the Update button to save your background changes.

6. Branding

To further personalize your biolink page, you can brand your page to showcase your business or what you do.

Refer to our piece on Branding Your Biolink Page to get this done.

7. Changing Font

The legibility of the write-ups on your Biolink page is equally essential; we have not forgotten about this. We give you the chance to select from a pool of 10 available fonts to describe your text.

That's not all; you can set the size of your fonts to a size that appeals to you.

  • On the biolink settings page, scroll down to Fonts tab
  • Select your preferred font from the Font tab and select the Font Size

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