Adding Image to Biolink Page

Learn how to add images to your biolink page in simple steps.
Written by Pushbio
Updated 5 months ago

Images help to tell a visual story more vividly. And as such, you should consider adding them to your Biolink page:

  • Click on the Total Biolinks tab on your user dashboard;
  • Identify and click on the name of the page you wish to add an image to;
  • On the next page, click on the Add Block button;
  • Click on the Image block;
  • Follow this up by clicking on Choose File to upload an image;
  • Provide a concise description for your image in the field marked Image Alt;
  • You can also include a Destination URL if you wish to send visitors to a specific page whenever they click on your image;
  • Click on Submit to complete the process.
Maximum image file allowed is 2MB

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